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Writer's pictureGuildhall Studios

A Small But Mighty Update!

Updated: Feb 17, 2022

Ahoy Mateys! Last week we talked a little bit about the Sea Of Legends revised rulebook draft that is now available on our website. This week we have a new version of our Player Aid cards for you all to enjoy! Let's take a look at the main changes...

Front Side of New Player Aid Cards

Back Side of Player Aid Cards

This Print and Play version is for use in your current games BUT it will also be included in the new edition of the base game coming next year. "But I already own a copy of the base game" you might be wondering. Fear not! We will be printing extra copies of both the Player Aid cards and the 2.0 Rulebook as a kind of "Update Kit" (working title) that will be made available during the Sea of Legends: Vengeance of the Empires Kickstarter Campaign as a zero-dollar tier pledge level. The Update Kit will contain the new rulebook, Player Aid cards, and a handful of corrected cards from the base game (mostly with clarified abilities). We will be releasing a more detailed list of the replacement cards that will be in the Kit once our game designers have finalized those changes.

We want to reiterate that you do not have to make any additional purchases to get your Update Kit. It will be a separate backer level and product that will be sent to anyone who selects the zero-dollar Update Kit Pledge Level during the next Kickstarter. It can also be added as a free addon if you decide to purchase Vengeance of the Empires.

In the meantime, we have other unrelated announcements coming in the next few weeks. Keep up to date on the latest news and conversations by joining our Discord Server!

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Brad Simmons
Brad Simmons
Feb 12, 2022

I downloaded and started to print the new player aid and realized it is just the front of the cards. Please update with the back. Thanks Edit: I found the full pdf in the downloads section of the site.

Guildhall Studios
Guildhall Studios
Feb 17, 2022
Replying to

Sorry for the confusion! All links should now be for the correct version of the Player Aid cards.

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