Have a question about Guildhall Studios or our recent projects? This is a great place to start. You can also check out our Sea of Legends FAQ. Still don't see your question answered? Contact us directly and we'll gladly help you out.
I heard that when the game first released the app didn't work very well. Does the app for this game now work?
The Sea of Legends app had issues in the first weeks of its launch in March 2021, but our dev team worked tirelessly to stabilize the app and correct the issues that were impacting some of our players. Version 1.0 of the app is now completely stable and available on iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows.
We currently have one full-time developer on staff who addresses bugs and releases patches periodically to address any minor issues that are brought to our attention. If you find an issue with the app while playing, don’t hesitate to let us know on our discord server or by emailing us at info@guildhallstudios.com
See our original Kickstarter update about this issue here. We will also be releasing a new version of the app in 2022 so please follow our Blog to hear the latest news about that release.
How many stories does the current app include? Is there an easy way to help my group avoid finding repetitive plotlines?
The team here at Guildhall Studios is proud of the game and app experience we were able to create during our original Kickstarter campaign. Version 1.0 of the Sea of Legends app includes 47 characters, 9 Factions, and more than 300K words of content for players to navigate through and enjoy. Your choices in each Adventure advance your story arc and the results impact your Captain and the Factions in play.
Through both our own internal playthroughs and extensive community feedback, we have come to understand that gameplay can begin to feel repetitive, with similar content popping up throughout each player’s story with only minor changes. To that end, we decided to get back to the root of our core game design philosophy: creating an intricate and vivid storytelling experience that seamlessly blends digital and physical components for endless explorations of our own Caribbean creation.
For our Sea of Legends 2.0 app, we’ve developed an entirely new database structure that will ensure new content is being shown on subsequent playthroughs and will enable players to influence each other’s stories. To learn more about the upcoming version 2 of the app, check out our original update on Kickstarter. Or if you want to learn more about version 1.0 of the app, check out Jordan Weisman’s update on how the app was built.
In the meantime, if you feel like you are seeing the same content repeatedly, try switching up your Lover, Nemesis, and factions a bit more. New combinations of characters and factions will allow you to experience more diverse storylines.
The rulebook included in my copy of Sea of Legends is difficult to navigate and has a few ambiguous rules. Has the team been working on any updates to fix these issues?
The Guildhall team has been hard at work on a revision of the Sea of Legends Rulebook since we first started hearing about rulebook issues back in March 2021. We’ve been listening carefully to the community’s feedback and we used the amazing input from the community to help develop the Sea of Legends FAQ and the revised rulebook that is available now on BGG and our website. These two resources address many of the issues that players encountered with the original rulebook, and we are continuing to work on and improve these resources to make the gameplay experience as positive as possible.
See our Kickstarter update on the revisions we made here, or check out the original update about the FAQ here. We are also in the process of making an entirely new rulebook that will be included in the upcoming reprint of Sea of Legends. Check out our Blog Post to learn more about that project.
I’ve heard that you cancelled pledges for backers without explanation or notice. What happened there, and what steps are you taking to avoid a similar situation in the future?
In May 2021, we had to cancel the pledges of 27 backers in the APAC region due to inventory shortages. The combination of our small print run and the amount of damaged and lost product we experienced during our first Sea of Legends campaign led to this unfortunate turn of events. At the time, we sent out a massive update about this issue via Gamefound alerting the backers affected by this issue along with instructions on how to get their orders refunded.
To be clear, this was 100% our fault, and the backers whose pledges were cancelled were selected at random from a pool based on the risk of their order being lost or damaged in shipping according to VFI. This news upset a lot of our original backers, including people who were not personally affected by the cancellations. We take complete responsibility for the inventory shortages that happened and have since hired a logistics expert, Patrick Day, to handle all of our inventory going forwards to make sure we never repeat this mistake again.
You can see the original Kickstarter update we issued about this incident by clicking here.
I ordered the metal coins upgrade, but I was told they went missing and had to be refunded. Can you explain what happened there?
There were some issues with the way our Metal Coin Upgrade was packaged and sent to the warehouse, which led to a lot of product going missing in transit. Some of our backers (mostly in North America) had to be refunded for the upgrade they originally purchased due to this unforeseen inventory shortage. If your order was affected, you would have received an email from our customer service team and have been refunded.
The Metal Coins upgrade will be made available again in the future, and we are working with our manufacturer to ensure that the new packaging is secure enough for transport.
I was refunded (or credited) for the expansion I initially ordered and was told there are no more in stock. Why didn’t I get the expansion when I was originally an all-in backer?
When we originally ordered copies of Sea of Legends from our manufacturer, we based our numbers on the completed pledge manager submissions we had received at the time. This turned out to be a monumental oversight on our part, as this led to us not having enough product to fulfill all the pledges that trickled in after the close of the Kickstarter campaign. We take complete responsibility for this error in judgement and will not make such a newbie mistake in the future.
We were able to shuffle around products in other regions of the world to accommodate most of our orders, but approximately 50 North American backers ended up being refunded or credited for their expansion purchase due to our lack of inventory. We have been in close communication with the backers affected by this issue and Guildhall Studios is doing everything we can to rectify our error and get expansions into the hands of those affected.
I was an original Sea of Legends backer. How do I get the updated rulebook and replacements for the misprinted cards?
We are planning to print an Update Kit for original backers, which will include a printed copy of the Revised Rulebook and new versions of the misprinted cards from our first print run. The Update Kits will be printed and shipped next year alongside Sea of Legends: Vengeance of the Empires.
Guildhall Studios will get the Update Kits into backers hands at no profit to us, but you will need to pay shipping for these kits and we do not have exact prices on that at this time. Stay tuned for further updates about the Update Kits, as we will be making more announcements as soon as the logistics are finalized.